Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Service Parts Planning Setup - Step 3

Organization Security

After the collections process is completed and all entities are collected to VCP, the next step is to assgin organizations to the respective responsibilities, so that each responsibility in VCP can view that organizations data.

Functional Details
Navigation - Service Supply Chain Administrator --> Admin --> Organization Security

Once we open the 'Organization Security' jsp page, we can assign organizations to each of the VCP responsibility.For Service Parts Planning setup, we need to assign the organizations that needs to be planned to 'Service Supply Chain Planner' responsibility

Technical Details
Organizations that are collected to VCP will be available in the table MSC_TRADING_PARTNERS

SQL Query
SELECT sr_tp_id,
  FROM msc_trading_partners
 WHERE partner_type = 3
   AND organization_code = 'Instance_code:Org code from source instance'