Saturday, August 18, 2012

SPP - Plan Creation

SPP Plan Name

After the necessary pre-requisite setups are created the next step is to create the SPP plan.

Functional Details

Navigation -- Service Supply Chain Planner --> Service Parts Planning --> Names

If the system asks to choose the organization, select the organization in which the SPP plan needs to be created.

Important Fields

Name - Enter the SPP plan name.
Description - Enter the SPP plan description

Technical Details

The SPP plan details will be stored in the tables

SQL Query

  FROM msc_plans
 WHERE compile_designator = 'SPP Plan Name'

  FROM msc_designators
 WHERE designator = 'SPP Plan Name'

Friday, August 17, 2012

Service Parts Planning Setup - Step 8

Creating the Service Parts Planning(SPP) - Plan

Below is a quick checklist on all pre-requisites for creating the SPP Plan

1) A free database partition      
    If there are no free partitions, the SPP Plan Options form will give an error.
2) Assignment Set
    Assignment Set contains all the sourcing rules required by the SPP plan
3) Demand Priority Rule
4) Organizations, Subinventories
5) Demand Schedules
    Demand schedules are the Forecast demand, Safety stock demand that will be given to the SPP plan as an input
6) Item Category Set
    SPP Plan will plan for the items defined in the category set
7) Auto-Release Queries
    After the SPP plan is run the planned orders generated by the SPP Plan will be released automatically based on the auto-release selection criteria defined in the auto-release queries.

Creating Database Partition

A concurrent Program 'Create APS Partitions' creates the database partitions needed for creating the SPP plan.

Plan Partition Count - Number of free Partitions that need to be created