Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Service Parts Planning Setup - Step 7

Demand Priority Rules
The SPP planning engine will take the criteria and criteria order defined in the demand priority rules form to give the priority to the different orders like Sales orders, Forecast, Schedule Date etc while creating the 
planned orders.
Functional Details

Navigation -- Service Supply Chain Planner --> Setup --> Demand Priority Rules

Important Fields
Name - Name of the demand priority rule
Descrption  - Description of the rule
Enabled - Checkbox to enable or disable the rule

Criteria Name and Criteria Order

As shown in the above screenshot, the criteria can be, for example:
Schedule Date - The Due date of the orders will be given highest priority
Sales Orders, Forecasts & MDS Entries Priority - Sales Orders collected from source, Forecasts from Demantra will be given the highest priority

SPP Planning Engine will first plan and meet the demands given in the Demand Priority Rule.
Technical Details
The Demand Priority rules will be stored in the table - MSC_SCHEDULING_RULES

SQL Query

  msr.meaning, -- Demand Priority Rule Name
  MFG.MEANING , -- Criteria Name
  MSR.SEQUENCE_NUMBER -- Criteria Order
and msr.meaning = 'Demand Priority Rule Name';

Monday, May 7, 2012

Service Parts Planning Setup - Step 6

Planning Parameters
After the assignment set is created and all the sourcing rules and supply allocation rules are setup in the assignment set,the next step is to setup the planning parameters. Some of these parameters can be overridden at the plan options level of the SPP Plan.
Functional Details
 Navigation --> Service Supply Chain Planner --> Setup --> Parameters
If the system asks for selecting an organization, we need to select the organization for which the planning parameters are to be setup.
Important Fields
Default ABC Assignment Group - This is the ABC group defined on source for each organization. This value gets collected from source.
Execution Defaults Block
Plan Safety Stock - This check box needs to be checked if safety stock is getting planned at the org.
Net Purchases - This check box needs to be checked if the Service Parts Planning engine needs to consider the intransit supplies while running the plan
Net WIP - This checkbox needs to be checked if the WIP orders (For example: orders related to repair WIP orders) need to considered by the SPP engine while running the plan
Technical Details
The details entered in the 'Planning Parameters' form are stored in table - MSC_PARAMETERS

SQL Query

select organization_id,
  from msc_parameters 
 where organization_id = 'organization_id';